Colorful Scrap Metal (2009)

This particular piece means a lot to me. It was the first time I used a double background to create depth and the first time I broke a drawing down into this many layers. The feeling I wanted was metal and a lack of finishedness. My first impression of the original drawing was fabric scraps from a tie factory, but then I saw metal scraps; someone’s junk that was discarded and then assembled carefully in a junk sculpture of sorts. I love the roughness or it, the colorfully corroded background with the sandstone brick floor beneath it. The corroded layer looks both strong and weak at the same time in both its visible thinness and strength in the load of metal scrap it is carrying. Another illusion is the way many pieces of scrap seem to float and not completely settle on the other pieces. One contradiction I wanted to ...

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This particular piece means a lot to me. It was the first time I used a double background to create depth and the first time I broke a drawing down into this many layers. The feeling I wanted was metal and a lack of finishedness. My first impression of the original drawing was fabric scraps from a tie factory, but then I saw metal scraps; someone’s junk that was discarded and then assembled carefully in a junk sculpture of sorts. I love the roughness or it, the colorfully corroded background with the sandstone brick floor beneath it. The corroded layer looks both strong and weak at the same time in both its visible thinness and strength in the load of metal scrap it is carrying. Another illusion is the way many pieces of scrap seem to float and not completely settle on the other pieces. One contradiction I wanted to create was the contradiction of form and color. The metallic forms are masculine while the colors are feminine. If you look at my artwork you will notice the one consistency is the lack of consistency. I try to make each piece different from all the others. With each piece I try something new and try to learn something in the process making each piece a process of self discovery.

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