(2009) is a virtual, Flash-based project that that re-imagines the fate of the mythological character, Sisyphus, as a video game.

The piece seeks to subvert the common video game notions of "scoring" and "advancement" by placing the player as a participant in this classic existential fable that famously has no end.

The piece reflects the futility and redundancy of life in a format that is more commonly used for entertainment and excitement.

Full Description is a virtual, Flash-based project that that re-imagines the fate of the mythological character, Sisyphus, as a video game.

The piece seeks to subvert the common video game notions of "scoring" and "advancement" by placing the player as a participant in this classic existential fable that famously has no end.

The piece reflects the futility and redundancy of life in a format that is more commonly used for entertainment and excitement.

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