My Space for Your Life (2009)

This project is a memorial for the thousands of civilian Iraqis who have died during the invasion of Iraq. These deaths, referred to as collateral damage by the U.S. military, are often under counted and overlooked by officials and the media, and therefore go unnoticed by the public.

My intention is to raise awareness of this tragedy through the use of Internet social media. By publishing these portraits and the accompanying details of the civilians’ deaths in sharing networks such as Facebook and Flickr, and by expanding their online presence exponentially through the viral potential of this medium, increasing numbers of people are informed about this aspect of war.

At this time the project is in its first phase, where I have been responsible for signing up 'stand ins' and administering the memorial Facebook pages. (The first phase established the direction of the project.) The next phase of the ...

Full Description

This project is a memorial for the thousands of civilian Iraqis who have died during the invasion of Iraq. These deaths, referred to as collateral damage by the U.S. military, are often under counted and overlooked by officials and the media, and therefore go unnoticed by the public.

My intention is to raise awareness of this tragedy through the use of Internet social media. By publishing these portraits and the accompanying details of the civilians’ deaths in sharing networks such as Facebook and Flickr, and by expanding their online presence exponentially through the viral potential of this medium, increasing numbers of people are informed about this aspect of war.

At this time the project is in its first phase, where I have been responsible for signing up 'stand ins' and administering the memorial Facebook pages. (The first phase established the direction of the project.) The next phase of the project will open up memorial page creation to all who are interested and willing to oversee their contributions.

Statistics for civilian deaths are being archived by Iraq Body Count - you can find records for the thousands of people killed during the invasion at

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