Garden Grove Blvd x Brookhurst St. (2009)

Garden Grove Blvd x Brookhurst St. is a site specific installation which examines a way of being displaced in familiar, but not so familiar urban spaces. This installation offers an entrance in order to immerse its audience to experience the perception of displacement using moving images and space. Borrowing from a collection of store and window signs of a plaza, I attempt to disrupt the user’s place by bringing the visual signs of this particular plaza. This piece can be enjoyed from a distance - observing other participants becoming part of the piece, or also from inside the installation, where participants become engulfed in the pixelation, colors, lights, and movements of the projected visual effect.

Full Description

Garden Grove Blvd x Brookhurst St. is a site specific installation which examines a way of being displaced in familiar, but not so familiar urban spaces. This installation offers an entrance in order to immerse its audience to experience the perception of displacement using moving images and space. Borrowing from a collection of store and window signs of a plaza, I attempt to disrupt the user’s place by bringing the visual signs of this particular plaza. This piece can be enjoyed from a distance - observing other participants becoming part of the piece, or also from inside the installation, where participants become engulfed in the pixelation, colors, lights, and movements of the projected visual effect.

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