Ann Coulter : Human Document (2009)

An ongoing project of subjecting Ann Coulter's web columns to the Tom Phillips "A Humument" treatment -- i.e., most of the text is erased to leave a few chance phrases the author never intended.

The work has its origin in a dream I had on July 4, 2009, and recalled as follows:

"Everyone was talking about the clever new website that takes Ann Coulter's words and subjects them to the Tom Phillips A Humument treatment — producing random phrases of great wit and poetry."

Full Description

An ongoing project of subjecting Ann Coulter's web columns to the Tom Phillips "A Humument" treatment -- i.e., most of the text is erased to leave a few chance phrases the author never intended.

The work has its origin in a dream I had on July 4, 2009, and recalled as follows:

"Everyone was talking about the clever new website that takes Ann Coulter's words and subjects them to the Tom Phillips A Humument treatment — producing random phrases of great wit and poetry."

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