Spin on the Waltz (2009)

Spin on the Waltz or Spin for short, creates a new and interactive sound environment for Viennese waltz dancers through two wearable garments with embedded technologies that trigger an electronically generated melody. These two wearable outfits are constructed for professional-level male and female Viennese waltzers, and act as new media audio instruments that allow the dance and the two bodies to control music in an interactive manner, instead of the music controlling the dance in its static form. It is also meant as an experiment that marries classical and baroque styles of clothing and performance to modern and digital contexts of sound and language communication. A total of five exchanges that I have chosen according to research will be the parameters of measure. Three sensors are placed on both the male and the female garment. Each of these five encounters triggers a sensor that controls the output of a synthesized ...

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Spin on the Waltz or Spin for short, creates a new and interactive sound environment for Viennese waltz dancers through two wearable garments with embedded technologies that trigger an electronically generated melody. These two wearable outfits are constructed for professional-level male and female Viennese waltzers, and act as new media audio instruments that allow the dance and the two bodies to control music in an interactive manner, instead of the music controlling the dance in its static form. It is also meant as an experiment that marries classical and baroque styles of clothing and performance to modern and digital contexts of sound and language communication. A total of five exchanges that I have chosen according to research will be the parameters of measure. Three sensors are placed on both the male and the female garment. Each of these five encounters triggers a sensor that controls the output of a synthesized melody. In a sense, their bodies are reflecting the movements of the harmonic waveforms that produce the sound outputs, and vice versa. Spin aims to increase an awareness of the exchanges made between the male and female with one another by stripping the context of the waltz composition and incorporating interactive melodies, which then create new environments and realizations. Spin is constructed through hard and software technologies such as: Max/MSP, soft circuitry, and Lilypad Arduino programming.

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