Tripdyck in D minor 2008. (2008)

Audio Component to my art.

My interests in abstract modes of communications have led to an audio component of my art, which is presently focused in the visual arts. A Postscript, developed as a continued dialogue of my art in the universal language of resonating harmonics and vibrations. A translation of the code from a captured image interpreted as a musical composition.[Parsed through open sourced music generator, and played with in Garage Band].

Inspired by Peter Kirn, spam into MIDI notes: from a video clip of the talk on South by Southwest: Data as Art : Musical, Visual Web APIs.

“Sonifying” the photo’s digital data results in an algorithmic composition I liken to experimental jazz.

Full Description

Audio Component to my art.

My interests in abstract modes of communications have led to an audio component of my art, which is presently focused in the visual arts. A Postscript, developed as a continued dialogue of my art in the universal language of resonating harmonics and vibrations. A translation of the code from a captured image interpreted as a musical composition.[Parsed through open sourced music generator, and played with in Garage Band].

Inspired by Peter Kirn, spam into MIDI notes: from a video clip of the talk on South by Southwest: Data as Art : Musical, Visual Web APIs.

“Sonifying” the photo’s digital data results in an algorithmic composition I liken to experimental jazz.

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