recent work (2009)

We hear sighs from weary angels, tired of their carry-ons for the sake of humanity’s folly and drunkeness, cloaking rocks worn smooth from aeons of lethargy and misconceptions. Suddenly, a blast of notes appears as a foggy visualisation of smooth music, a synaesthetic of joy and celebration as Christina Maximoff, the painter of red and black, who damns categorisation with her alchemical mix of desperate, emotive exaltations, like disinfectant swabs at the edges of her screaming secrets, swaggers back into full plumage. As the crescendo that meets her clears back across the landscape, fresh and uncut, the new silence awaits...

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We hear sighs from weary angels, tired of their carry-ons for the sake of humanity’s folly and drunkeness, cloaking rocks worn smooth from aeons of lethargy and misconceptions. Suddenly, a blast of notes appears as a foggy visualisation of smooth music, a synaesthetic of joy and celebration as Christina Maximoff, the painter of red and black, who damns categorisation with her alchemical mix of desperate, emotive exaltations, like disinfectant swabs at the edges of her screaming secrets, swaggers back into full plumage. As the crescendo that meets her clears back across the landscape, fresh and uncut, the new silence awaits...

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