ANGELUS NOVUS kaleidoscope (2009)

This video was edited using footage shot from a rehearsal for ANGELUS NOVUS, a live performance inspired by the combined traditions of Medieval Pageantry and American Historical re-enactments, as well as consumer culture, North Korea, Commedia dell’Arte, and the Internet.

As part of the rehearsal process, actors took part in daily sessions of physical training, which pushed them to elevate their presence, awareness, energy, and creative capacity through a series of physical exercises which identify the dynamics of the ensemble through the exploration of balance, voice, and movement.

The footage contained herein was from one such training session, the experience of which is often described as both chatoic and ecstatic. I thought rendering the documentation through a kaleidoscope would most accurately portray the nature of the training, the sensation of infinite and exponential momentum, and the expressive potential of uninhibited motion. It is a gesture of love for a ...

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This video was edited using footage shot from a rehearsal for ANGELUS NOVUS, a live performance inspired by the combined traditions of Medieval Pageantry and American Historical re-enactments, as well as consumer culture, North Korea, Commedia dell’Arte, and the Internet.

As part of the rehearsal process, actors took part in daily sessions of physical training, which pushed them to elevate their presence, awareness, energy, and creative capacity through a series of physical exercises which identify the dynamics of the ensemble through the exploration of balance, voice, and movement.

The footage contained herein was from one such training session, the experience of which is often described as both chatoic and ecstatic. I thought rendering the documentation through a kaleidoscope would most accurately portray the nature of the training, the sensation of infinite and exponential momentum, and the expressive potential of uninhibited motion. It is a gesture of love for a process of creating live performance which is uniquely rigorous and playful.

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