Untitled, 2009 (2011)

«Searching for the Human, the artist goes deeper and deeper and reveals to us her character(s)’ stratified structures. Windows/screens are opened inside them; intimately connected with the interior strata of these impersonal bodies there are signs of the media, numbers, letters, words, camera captured memories, even a kind of "mise en abime" of structures, by using printed images of previously created ones introduced in present works. On the other hand , we notice the personages’ movements, sometimes almost tragical, their arms wide open, their fingers too, as trying hard to reach other hands and fingers, exploring the outside world, wanting to grasp reality. Her work explores the dramatic changes of these times. Globalization offers advantages to a plural, democratic transparent society, but it also provides the conditions for the present form of alienation.» Adrian Guta

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«Searching for the Human, the artist goes deeper and deeper and reveals to us her character(s)’ stratified structures. Windows/screens are opened inside them; intimately connected with the interior strata of these impersonal bodies there are signs of the media, numbers, letters, words, camera captured memories, even a kind of "mise en abime" of structures, by using printed images of previously created ones introduced in present works. On the other hand , we notice the personages’ movements, sometimes almost tragical, their arms wide open, their fingers too, as trying hard to reach other hands and fingers, exploring the outside world, wanting to grasp reality. Her work explores the dramatic changes of these times. Globalization offers advantages to a plural, democratic transparent society, but it also provides the conditions for the present form of alienation.» Adrian Guta

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