apartment666.com (2009)

apartment666.com is a web based serial shortfilm project playing with new ways of storytelling on the internet.

www.apartment666.com shows in 15 epsodes a variation acbout the beginning of a story. 15 characters are going to enter the Apartment , to make a new beginning and leave their past behind. 15 times the first few minutes of a movie, in which we decide wether, we like it or not. 15 times the first few shots and already the entire movie. Everybody has got a secret. Everybody wants to go somewhere. But what if noone will ever be able to leave?

Apartment666.com is a production of schauspielfrankfurt.

Full Description

apartment666.com is a web based serial shortfilm project playing with new ways of storytelling on the internet.

www.apartment666.com shows in 15 epsodes a variation acbout the beginning of a story. 15 characters are going to enter the Apartment , to make a new beginning and leave their past behind. 15 times the first few minutes of a movie, in which we decide wether, we like it or not. 15 times the first few shots and already the entire movie. Everybody has got a secret. Everybody wants to go somewhere. But what if noone will ever be able to leave?

Apartment666.com is a production of schauspielfrankfurt.

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