Untitled (2009)

Post revolution image of Iran is an unseen face in the international media. The scene of struggle between the fundamentalist regime and the young generation is the portrait of Iran which I have seen. My paintings are a surface to transform the memory of these social challenges into the syntax of pictorial representations.

My work depicts the elements of conflict, capturing the energy and the power of resistance and demand for change. My paintings bring forth the forces of collective and individual struggles, which drive the ever present acts of social unrest. These forces are the sign of both hope and hopelessness in the progression of reform.

Full Description

Post revolution image of Iran is an unseen face in the international media. The scene of struggle between the fundamentalist regime and the young generation is the portrait of Iran which I have seen. My paintings are a surface to transform the memory of these social challenges into the syntax of pictorial representations.

My work depicts the elements of conflict, capturing the energy and the power of resistance and demand for change. My paintings bring forth the forces of collective and individual struggles, which drive the ever present acts of social unrest. These forces are the sign of both hope and hopelessness in the progression of reform.

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