Blue Star Kochina (2009)

I like to create art in my journey to find meaning in life. Through symetries created within non-representational shapes, lines, and colors, Blue Star Kochina manifested. I project into the mixed-media such that my mind can only try to label and identify. Unique yet universal WE are destined to rise above dead letter dogma and awaken to that which always is, we had only forgotten and ever-now rejoice in seeing you true. Winds in silent directions lifted me as I became We and came back without looking back in a perfect justice: Just US and I trust US and dare not see less than the best, after all I know you know where the East meets the West the Best.

Full Description

I like to create art in my journey to find meaning in life. Through symetries created within non-representational shapes, lines, and colors, Blue Star Kochina manifested. I project into the mixed-media such that my mind can only try to label and identify. Unique yet universal WE are destined to rise above dead letter dogma and awaken to that which always is, we had only forgotten and ever-now rejoice in seeing you true. Winds in silent directions lifted me as I became We and came back without looking back in a perfect justice: Just US and I trust US and dare not see less than the best, after all I know you know where the East meets the West the Best.

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