Quantum Trilogy (2010)

Bradford Kessler's Quantum Trilogy, approaches the concept of the parallel universe directly. The work which is dated 2010 but first exhibited in 2009 consists of Back To The Future I, II, & III, 1985, (Dir. by Robert Zemekis) playing simultaneously while layered into one complete movie. The sound and speed of each film has been slightly altered to sync the duration of the other parts of the trilogy. Kessler's concept for his fused trilogy comes from Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics which suggests that all possible quantum events can occur in mutually exclusive histories. This concept is most often used in science-fiction movies dealing with time travel, but some physicists such as David Deutsch have suggested that if time travel is possible and the many-worlds interpretation is correct, then a time traveler should indeed end up in a different history than the one he started from. A parallel universe ...

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Bradford Kessler's Quantum Trilogy, approaches the concept of the parallel universe directly. The work which is dated 2010 but first exhibited in 2009 consists of Back To The Future I, II, & III, 1985, (Dir. by Robert Zemekis) playing simultaneously while layered into one complete movie. The sound and speed of each film has been slightly altered to sync the duration of the other parts of the trilogy. Kessler's concept for his fused trilogy comes from Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics which suggests that all possible quantum events can occur in mutually exclusive histories. This concept is most often used in science-fiction movies dealing with time travel, but some physicists such as David Deutsch have suggested that if time travel is possible and the many-worlds interpretation is correct, then a time traveler should indeed end up in a different history than the one he started from. A parallel universe would be 'created' every time a person traveled to a new time in history. Kessler's video creates this paradox between the Back to the Future films visually. As we watch all three films at the same time, characters interact with their counterselves and scenes ghostly leap in out of each other changing the individual films as we remember them.

-Austin M. Powers,'Up the Downward Spiral' from the 'Origin of life' exhibition catalogue, Dafeng Gallery, Beijing

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