Katherine Summer 09. Greatest Hits Jukebox (2009)

I’m interested in the overlapping forums that make information available to us, specifically popular culture, advertising, and the internet. Fan culture, pop culture, Everyday Reality, and the internet are quickly merging into one plane of existence. My projects embrace the abstract qualities of an existence lived in a melting pot of information and techno-fantasy, and attempt to strike the optimistic tones of a unrecognizably strange Present.

Full Description

I’m interested in the overlapping forums that make information available to us, specifically popular culture, advertising, and the internet. Fan culture, pop culture, Everyday Reality, and the internet are quickly merging into one plane of existence. My projects embrace the abstract qualities of an existence lived in a melting pot of information and techno-fantasy, and attempt to strike the optimistic tones of a unrecognizably strange Present.

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