Signs from Series 'Art of Travel, Part 1: India' (2009)

by Bec Lee

It portrays a representation of the traveler’s desire to explore and search for difference in order to learn about other cultures and places.

The exhibition shows a series of large photo collages of simplistic elements from India, such as Auto Rickshaws, Doors, Windows, Signs etc. The images invite viewers, with the aid of magnifying glasses, not only to see these objects as a part of India but to explore the subtle differences in each object that have been introduced by man and represent its culture.

This exhibition aims to allow the viewer to explore culture though signs rather than place, and is influenced by the enlightenment of sight while traveling.

Full Description

It portrays a representation of the traveler’s desire to explore and search for difference in order to learn about other cultures and places.

The exhibition shows a series of large photo collages of simplistic elements from India, such as Auto Rickshaws, Doors, Windows, Signs etc. The images invite viewers, with the aid of magnifying glasses, not only to see these objects as a part of India but to explore the subtle differences in each object that have been introduced by man and represent its culture.

This exhibition aims to allow the viewer to explore culture though signs rather than place, and is influenced by the enlightenment of sight while traveling.

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