Il Principio della Fine... (2008)

The composition was realized creating and reworking sounds (pads, strings, percussive sounds) by synthesis (granular, subtractive, additive) with subsequent reverberating and filtering of the sounds produced. The video was made entirely using 2D/3D graphics, animation and digital editing. The work dates back to 2008. This project originated from a text that develops over time in a circular motion. The key points are two specific concepts: the beginning (or principle) and the end. Everything is spread through the constant doubt that these two poles, seemingly opposite, are in fact interchangeable with each other and that there is no way of knowing if what for someone is the end (of a life, a path, a simple daily gesture), for someone else is the beginning... And the game gets more complicated when ambiguously beginning loses its connotation of starting to become synonymous of rule, axiom, assumption... The sentences follow one another interweaving with ...

Full Description

The composition was realized creating and reworking sounds (pads, strings, percussive sounds) by synthesis (granular, subtractive, additive) with subsequent reverberating and filtering of the sounds produced. The video was made entirely using 2D/3D graphics, animation and digital editing. The work dates back to 2008. This project originated from a text that develops over time in a circular motion. The key points are two specific concepts: the beginning (or principle) and the end. Everything is spread through the constant doubt that these two poles, seemingly opposite, are in fact interchangeable with each other and that there is no way of knowing if what for someone is the end (of a life, a path, a simple daily gesture), for someone else is the beginning... And the game gets more complicated when ambiguously beginning loses its connotation of starting to become synonymous of rule, axiom, assumption... The sentences follow one another interweaving with each other on a background that, as well as the text, moves in a circular motion. A single image, in which appears only one element of which is not possible to see the beginning and end, dances in synergy with individual letters, words, phrases, sounds, underlining the slow roaming. Everything changes so with the constant evolution of the meanings that, from time to time show themselves between a sentence and the next. Yet everything remains faithful to itself and to the doubt that runs throughout the verbal, visual and sound sequence so that it becomes almost distressing. Heavy is the gloomy atmosphere that surrounds the ensemble, heavy the sound of words; heavy the image that repeats itself ... nothing has an apparent point of arrival and every single sentence dissolves in the background, becoming almost engulf. The whole continues with cold and rhythmically arhythmic constancy until, smoothly, even the apparently chasing of the verses in an incessant mutation in the infinite time of sounds, it becomes other from itself, another concept, another shape, another sign of anxiety , other game of ambiguity between significants and meanings, other insoluble question ...

In the beginning it was the end and the end was the beginning ... It’s a principle having an end and, on one’s own ending, following a principle... The beginning has maybe an end and maybe the end is just the beginning...

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