Flußgeist (Oboro) (2009)

Flußgeist is a series of works inspired by the concept of Zeitgeist, or « the spirit of the age and time », a notion that digital industries have intuitively appropriated to refer to pages giving access flux suspension, i.e. for Google, documentation of most-searched words during a given year. Flußgeist is based on the principle that the so- called Web 2.0 is not simply a marketing discourse, but the first industry that feeds directly off the very existence of individuals through sites such as flickr, facebook and youtube.

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Flußgeist is a series of works inspired by the concept of Zeitgeist, or « the spirit of the age and time », a notion that digital industries have intuitively appropriated to refer to pages giving access flux suspension, i.e. for Google, documentation of most-searched words during a given year. Flußgeist is based on the principle that the so- called Web 2.0 is not simply a marketing discourse, but the first industry that feeds directly off the very existence of individuals through sites such as flickr, facebook and youtube.

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