The Devil; Past, Present, Future (2009)

Past, Present and Future represents the results of a three-card tarot reading between a fortune-teller and society. The recreated tarot cards of The Devil, Judgment, and The Chariot were taken with a large 4 x 5 format camera, and consist of three 16 x 20 inch sepia- toned black and white photographs. Mimicking aspects of Joel-Peter Witkin's manipulations, each negative has been altered by piercing, sanding, painting and slicing. The subsequent prints were then bleached, toned and stained with coffee, wine, tea, and other materials.

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Past, Present and Future represents the results of a three-card tarot reading between a fortune-teller and society. The recreated tarot cards of The Devil, Judgment, and The Chariot were taken with a large 4 x 5 format camera, and consist of three 16 x 20 inch sepia- toned black and white photographs. Mimicking aspects of Joel-Peter Witkin's manipulations, each negative has been altered by piercing, sanding, painting and slicing. The subsequent prints were then bleached, toned and stained with coffee, wine, tea, and other materials.

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