A penny for your thoughts (2009)

“A penny for your thoughts” is an intervention on Amazon.com's Mechanical Turk website that promotes independent thinking and interpretation among members of the Mturk community and transforms labor into self-reflection. A human intelligence task (HIT) was placed on Mturk.com that offered a penny in exchange for one unique thought. Over 100 workers were commissioned with the aid of a one dollar grant from ASDF-. The topics shared in submitted thoughts ranged from worries about the global economy to private thoughts about domestic life, praise and prayers, and more. On this site, one thought is shared each day for one hundred days.

In addition to this site, a series of books were created to support each of five themes that arose within the shared thoughts. Anyone can download and print the books at mturkprojects.info/penny.html

Full Description

“A penny for your thoughts” is an intervention on Amazon.com's Mechanical Turk website that promotes independent thinking and interpretation among members of the Mturk community and transforms labor into self-reflection. A human intelligence task (HIT) was placed on Mturk.com that offered a penny in exchange for one unique thought. Over 100 workers were commissioned with the aid of a one dollar grant from ASDF-. The topics shared in submitted thoughts ranged from worries about the global economy to private thoughts about domestic life, praise and prayers, and more. On this site, one thought is shared each day for one hundred days.

In addition to this site, a series of books were created to support each of five themes that arose within the shared thoughts. Anyone can download and print the books at mturkprojects.info/penny.html

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