FORM 1 (Yamantaka) (2009)

The divine Buddha "Form" Yamantaka (Terminator of Death) and his stream of life (symbolized by the running water)-giving blessing to all beings. Underneath the sound of the storm you hear a chant, that is believed to have the power to exorcise the human afflictions of anger, avarice, lust, and envy and transform them into creative wisdom. There are three types of death spoken of in the Yamāntaka Tantra : Outer death is the regular end of life, which is embodied by Yama, Lord of Death, who resides in the south, seven stories under the earth. The inner death is ignorance of the true nature of non-dual reality. Instinctive habitual grasping and aversion to objectively "real" objects and subjects arises from this ignorance. The secret death is dualistic appearance on the subtlest level of clear light mind and illusory body. With the practice of Yamāntaka one overcomes those types of death ...

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The divine Buddha "Form" Yamantaka (Terminator of Death) and his stream of life (symbolized by the running water)-giving blessing to all beings. Underneath the sound of the storm you hear a chant, that is believed to have the power to exorcise the human afflictions of anger, avarice, lust, and envy and transform them into creative wisdom. There are three types of death spoken of in the Yamāntaka Tantra : Outer death is the regular end of life, which is embodied by Yama, Lord of Death, who resides in the south, seven stories under the earth. The inner death is ignorance of the true nature of non-dual reality. Instinctive habitual grasping and aversion to objectively "real" objects and subjects arises from this ignorance. The secret death is dualistic appearance on the subtlest level of clear light mind and illusory body. With the practice of Yamāntaka one overcomes those types of death and gains immortality as a Buddha.

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