Platonic Forms (2009)

Digital Art...

I aspire to create work that is grounded in knowledge; while the work may not seem possible according to present day knowledge it appears plausible because of the possibility of future discovery and development of man.

I incorporate a sense of novelty; I do not create work that has been created before. It may imply other works but it does not duplicate the same ideas, the work develops another new permutation. The work imagines some dislocation in space or time from present reality, The work creates a moment that surpass the visual perception of time and space The disjunction of space moves the viewer/participant to momentarily conceive of space as different from the spatial world. Thus, the creation of a believable imaginary setting becomes essential task for me. In this treatment of time and space I borrow from the world of dreams, where movement through time and ...

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Digital Art...

I aspire to create work that is grounded in knowledge; while the work may not seem possible according to present day knowledge it appears plausible because of the possibility of future discovery and development of man.

I incorporate a sense of novelty; I do not create work that has been created before. It may imply other works but it does not duplicate the same ideas, the work develops another new permutation. The work imagines some dislocation in space or time from present reality, The work creates a moment that surpass the visual perception of time and space The disjunction of space moves the viewer/participant to momentarily conceive of space as different from the spatial world. Thus, the creation of a believable imaginary setting becomes essential task for me. In this treatment of time and space I borrow from the world of dreams, where movement through time and space defies the reality of the walking world. I try to create using "conscience dreaming".

In my work, I try to bring the viewer/participant toward an awareness of unity in the world and to a higher level of abstraction. Art can no longer bind itself to tradition of any particular culture. I seek to present a sense of life which perceives man in relation to the whole earth. I do not try to depict the unique individual in society but man unique in the universe.

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