Play the Panorama (2009)

Play the Panorama is an endless traveling panorama drawing. The project can be played by an infinite number of artists who pass along a landscape as if it were an endless relay race.

Each participant uses a special panorama drawing instrument to continue to draw a moving landscape; an interpretation of the world that surrounds them. When the artist completes his/her drawing, the instrument and the panorama must be passed to the next participant who is geographically nearby and whose work is somehow artistically related to that of the previous participant. This next person will continue the former drawing, blending the new landscape into one continuous panorama. No one can predict the journey and the course of these ‘relay travelogues’, however a storyline will eventually emerge.

Upon completion of the drawing, the participating artist sends a scan of the drawing to the website Every new piece will ...

Full Description

Play the Panorama is an endless traveling panorama drawing. The project can be played by an infinite number of artists who pass along a landscape as if it were an endless relay race.

Each participant uses a special panorama drawing instrument to continue to draw a moving landscape; an interpretation of the world that surrounds them. When the artist completes his/her drawing, the instrument and the panorama must be passed to the next participant who is geographically nearby and whose work is somehow artistically related to that of the previous participant. This next person will continue the former drawing, blending the new landscape into one continuous panorama. No one can predict the journey and the course of these ‘relay travelogues’, however a storyline will eventually emerge.

Upon completion of the drawing, the participating artist sends a scan of the drawing to the website Every new piece will then be merged to the rest of the work. This way it is possible to view the complete drawing. The complete and infinitely expanding panorama can be seen on

Because these ‘relay travelogues’ are always moving from one person to another and in constant development, internet is in fact the only way to share them. This participatory project is about time and distance. It makes a connection between the virtual and the real world. Can the drawing instrument, that was especially created for this project, be considered as a so called new medium?

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