Well, Where Are We? (2008)

Well Where Are We ? is the installation with two-channel sound. Well Where Are We? makes use of the basic characteristic of pop culture - its ability to trivilialize and unify events and things coming from completely different contexts. So, the sculpture (created as a result of modifying a Universal Studios advertising banner found in the NY subway) depicting a comic-strip monster Incredible Hulk philosophically answers the questions asked by Abraham Lincoln's effigy, here the Avon After Shave bottle in the shape of the president's bust found in one of New York's trift store.

The question 'Well where are we?' and answer 'The question is more about not where we are as when we are?' is a sound sample from the movie Planet of the Apes (1968). I Well Where Arte We ? I am interested in the solution that coherently combines three seemingly incongruous elements.

Full Description

Well Where Are We ? is the installation with two-channel sound. Well Where Are We? makes use of the basic characteristic of pop culture - its ability to trivilialize and unify events and things coming from completely different contexts. So, the sculpture (created as a result of modifying a Universal Studios advertising banner found in the NY subway) depicting a comic-strip monster Incredible Hulk philosophically answers the questions asked by Abraham Lincoln's effigy, here the Avon After Shave bottle in the shape of the president's bust found in one of New York's trift store.

The question 'Well where are we?' and answer 'The question is more about not where we are as when we are?' is a sound sample from the movie Planet of the Apes (1968). I Well Where Arte We ? I am interested in the solution that coherently combines three seemingly incongruous elements.

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