Break Tech ()

Break Tech is a physical interface to a custom-built music production software pad that lies flat on the floor, which has resistance sensors imbedded to the pad, on points that correspond to a visual system that covers the body's entire range of movement. As dancers step on the points of the visual system, they trigger sounds. "BOOM, CLACK, B-BOOM, CLACK".

In addition, a small camera has been placed in the front of the pad. The camera sends the feed to a software that analyzes differences from frame to frame in order to detect motion. Motions in different areas of the matrix trigger different sounds. Now dancers can move their arms in different directions to activate different sounds, in coordination with their feet.

I programmed the software to be able to recognize BPM, record and loop multiple phrases, and switch the sound-banks. In addition, all the loop and switch points ...

Full Description

Break Tech is a physical interface to a custom-built music production software pad that lies flat on the floor, which has resistance sensors imbedded to the pad, on points that correspond to a visual system that covers the body's entire range of movement. As dancers step on the points of the visual system, they trigger sounds. "BOOM, CLACK, B-BOOM, CLACK".

In addition, a small camera has been placed in the front of the pad. The camera sends the feed to a software that analyzes differences from frame to frame in order to detect motion. Motions in different areas of the matrix trigger different sounds. Now dancers can move their arms in different directions to activate different sounds, in coordination with their feet.

I programmed the software to be able to recognize BPM, record and loop multiple phrases, and switch the sound-banks. In addition, all the loop and switch points can be automated, so that as long as the dancer keeps up with the choreography, they will get the desired shown on the documentation.

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