Musical Taylorism ()

Music can be defined as a series of events in time. Calendars and schedules are the transcriptions of events in time.

In this train of thought, the score for any given piece of music, as transcribed on a musical staff, is simply a schedule for a series of events in time, and vice-versa.

In Musical Taylorism, I used documents that documented aspects of my life over time, such as bills, punch-cards, etc, and transcribed them into a musical composition for various instruments. In addition, in the gallery, I turned visitor's work schedules into music as well.

Full Description

Music can be defined as a series of events in time. Calendars and schedules are the transcriptions of events in time.

In this train of thought, the score for any given piece of music, as transcribed on a musical staff, is simply a schedule for a series of events in time, and vice-versa.

In Musical Taylorism, I used documents that documented aspects of my life over time, such as bills, punch-cards, etc, and transcribed them into a musical composition for various instruments. In addition, in the gallery, I turned visitor's work schedules into music as well.

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