screen installation (2005)

screen, lighting instalation, site specific for the gallery elastic wire, 3 bulbs par 38 RGB, 3 dimmer codar gallery, reñaca, viña del mar, chile, 2005

the screen project is a lighting instalation for a site specific (gallery), an elastic wire operating like a screen for the projection of three chromatic fields (RGB) and generating an actual network of colored shadows over the walls of the gallery. the calibration of this three chromatic fields, in aditive mixture, are operated by spectator, becoming an active spectrator who can decide the aspect of the work and take moreover a color bath into the montage. screen is a reflexion over the thinking of art becoming both projection and obstruction of mind.

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screen, lighting instalation, site specific for the gallery elastic wire, 3 bulbs par 38 RGB, 3 dimmer codar gallery, reñaca, viña del mar, chile, 2005

the screen project is a lighting instalation for a site specific (gallery), an elastic wire operating like a screen for the projection of three chromatic fields (RGB) and generating an actual network of colored shadows over the walls of the gallery. the calibration of this three chromatic fields, in aditive mixture, are operated by spectator, becoming an active spectrator who can decide the aspect of the work and take moreover a color bath into the montage. screen is a reflexion over the thinking of art becoming both projection and obstruction of mind.

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