V3K - Victor three Kilo (2008)

V3K pronounced in military alphabet as victor three kilo is a Lost Frequency Ghost. LFGs are discarded pieces of technology possessed by radio frequncies. They speak and act out the radio waves that exist forever in space. The news broadcasts, mystery shows and commercials live symbiotically with the discards of thechnological progress. Made in collaboration with Daniel Torrente from found objects, paint and wire. One of a collection of six.

Full Description

V3K pronounced in military alphabet as victor three kilo is a Lost Frequency Ghost. LFGs are discarded pieces of technology possessed by radio frequncies. They speak and act out the radio waves that exist forever in space. The news broadcasts, mystery shows and commercials live symbiotically with the discards of thechnological progress. Made in collaboration with Daniel Torrente from found objects, paint and wire. One of a collection of six.

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