Burn Your Idol is an art project initiated by Wok The Rock (Indonesia) which is collecting one thousand CD-Rs of Indonesian youngster's most favourite record albums. The result is an installation featuring a CD rack, CD player and a headphone. Each CD completed with a portrait and name of respondent as the front cover sleeve, a back side of the sleeve featuring the tracklist, original album art and respondent's testimonial about how this record inspiring his/her life.

Within the rise of massive optical disk drive production with a duplicator feature which is so easy found and cheap in the market, an original CD duplicating practice became a popular activity among music fans in Indonesia. This practice absolutely different with the CD piracy producer. It was done not to be a comercial practice. They're not selling it. There are two reasons: First, just because they have not much money to buy ...

Full Description

Burn Your Idol is an art project initiated by Wok The Rock (Indonesia) which is collecting one thousand CD-Rs of Indonesian youngster's most favourite record albums. The result is an installation featuring a CD rack, CD player and a headphone. Each CD completed with a portrait and name of respondent as the front cover sleeve, a back side of the sleeve featuring the tracklist, original album art and respondent's testimonial about how this record inspiring his/her life.

Within the rise of massive optical disk drive production with a duplicator feature which is so easy found and cheap in the market, an original CD duplicating practice became a popular activity among music fans in Indonesia. This practice absolutely different with the CD piracy producer. It was done not to be a comercial practice. They're not selling it. There are two reasons: First, just because they have not much money to buy an original CD; Second, they duplicating original CD to make it as a gift and to make a backup, as an archive and so as to keep the original safe. Actually, not only original CD duplicated. The digital audio format like MP3, WAV, OGG or FLAC -which was got from downloding- often 'degenerate' to CD-R. Today, a DJ playing his/her music from a CD-R, a decoded CD. Also for a music fan, an ambition to be a record collector had been facilitated by this practice even there are tons of MP3 files on their hardisk drive. Of course, in a common law and regulation this is illegal.

The project title derived from a Sonic Youth's EP entitled "Kill Yr Idols" which was originally released only in Germany. The word 'Burn' taken from a term in optical disc authoring (a process of assembling source material—video, audio or other data—into the proper logical volume format to then be recorded ("burned") onto an optical disc (compact disc or DVD).

This aim is to representing a socio-cultural phenomenon and try to present an effect of a popular culture and its recent technology in Indonesian youth identity. This project is not an advocation campaign to bolster up piracy.

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