Crab Girl (2000)

What Carol liked most about her trips to the coast was no the swells or beautiful shells Not the foam at her toes or the sea air in her nose. Sand tickled her fancy. In it every step felt like dancing. She could dig really far in. Feel it scratch at her skin. But the external savor paled by the flavor. One cake turned into a dozen. Then took over the oven. At first an odd behavior It eventually became her. It didn't pose a great danger until it started to change her. With every grain the more crabby she became.

Full Description

What Carol liked most about her trips to the coast was no the swells or beautiful shells Not the foam at her toes or the sea air in her nose. Sand tickled her fancy. In it every step felt like dancing. She could dig really far in. Feel it scratch at her skin. But the external savor paled by the flavor. One cake turned into a dozen. Then took over the oven. At first an odd behavior It eventually became her. It didn't pose a great danger until it started to change her. With every grain the more crabby she became.

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