Petit Déjeuner au Maroc - Travaux et Loisirs ()

The incredible activity in the streets is side-splitting, vertiginous, vibrating into the finest nerves. In the shops the wild busyness continues, the traffic noise mingles with the screaming of dealers and customers, no respite anywhere. Directly next to this shines a different reality: calm, repose, spiritual contemplation - a standstill of time abides in the blazing heat. The animals are witnesses and actors of this contrasting parallel world, busy or contemplative in their own ways. The songs of the muezzins summoning to inner communication with the One merge all realities into onesublime world.

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The incredible activity in the streets is side-splitting, vertiginous, vibrating into the finest nerves. In the shops the wild busyness continues, the traffic noise mingles with the screaming of dealers and customers, no respite anywhere. Directly next to this shines a different reality: calm, repose, spiritual contemplation - a standstill of time abides in the blazing heat. The animals are witnesses and actors of this contrasting parallel world, busy or contemplative in their own ways. The songs of the muezzins summoning to inner communication with the One merge all realities into onesublime world.

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