Objective conception and dynamics of subject (2008)

"..Motif is figure which observes, conceives and behaves without certain narrative content. Presentation of human figure through different medias always involving author's personality, subjectivity and unconsciousness in tendency to become objective. Through net of relations which resulting in, spectator has a role of embodied motif, of objective subject and he is integer part of project. Spectator is simultaneously subject as well as object, in the same time existing in in Real as well as simulation with his mental and physical presence.."

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"..Motif is figure which observes, conceives and behaves without certain narrative content. Presentation of human figure through different medias always involving author's personality, subjectivity and unconsciousness in tendency to become objective. Through net of relations which resulting in, spectator has a role of embodied motif, of objective subject and he is integer part of project. Spectator is simultaneously subject as well as object, in the same time existing in in Real as well as simulation with his mental and physical presence.."

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