Stations of a Commute (2009)

Stations of a Commute is a series of audio tracks designed to be listened to during an urban commute away from one's loves - whether children, partners or life work. There are 14 stations in all, each preceded by instructions as to where they should be performed. The stations provide an opportunity to practice a walking meditation in the face of the city's noise and entropy, while also celebrating the community, culture and diversity the city provides.

To commute is to travel between two places; to transpose oneself into another expression while remaining the same person; to exchange duties, environment and thoughts. Urban life demands this of us daily. We leave our domestic nests and venture out into a fast, harsh and competitive city-state. Chaos, pressures and careers keep us from our life’s work and families. Our children, partners, and ideas suffer our distraction. We feel guilty. The following stations ...

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Stations of a Commute is a series of audio tracks designed to be listened to during an urban commute away from one's loves - whether children, partners or life work. There are 14 stations in all, each preceded by instructions as to where they should be performed. The stations provide an opportunity to practice a walking meditation in the face of the city's noise and entropy, while also celebrating the community, culture and diversity the city provides.

To commute is to travel between two places; to transpose oneself into another expression while remaining the same person; to exchange duties, environment and thoughts. Urban life demands this of us daily. We leave our domestic nests and venture out into a fast, harsh and competitive city-state. Chaos, pressures and careers keep us from our life’s work and families. Our children, partners, and ideas suffer our distraction. We feel guilty. The following stations provide a healing ritual to this problem. We need not suffer penance for our multi-tasking. To speak the explanation of our guilt is to bring us back into control.

The feeling of guilt is actually the affect of our biological need for reciprocal altruism. We thrive on giving. When we can’t give fully we suffer. Understanding the origins of guilt help reduce its suffocating power.

These 14 stations can be performed on any commute away from your loved ones and/or obligations. Listen to the narrations with a meditative and solemn approach. Stop walking, pull over the car for a moment. Take a breath. Reciprocate.

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