East Coast Japanese Americans (2008)

With EAST COAST JAPANESE AMERICANS, 2008, I graft my cultural work from my gifting performances onto the potentially infinite social and political space of the World Wide Web. A live Facebook group, East Coast Japanese Americans is a work that piggy-backs the social networking site’s popularity and accessibility, to create an online community of East Coast-based Japanese-Americans, their allies, and friends, bringing members of a fairly disparate, somewhat invisible, not-quite-politically-aware but very culturally-specific, ethnic group together.

EAST COAST JAPANESE AMERICANS is a self-generating work in the tradition of Mark Napier's Digital Landfill and net.flag, net.art that can be altered by the visitor-viewer and relies on visitor-viewer actions to enact the work. The group currently has nearly 100 members including housewives, diplomats, important indie filmmakers, and a white U.S. naval officer married to a Japanese woman.

Full Description

With EAST COAST JAPANESE AMERICANS, 2008, I graft my cultural work from my gifting performances onto the potentially infinite social and political space of the World Wide Web. A live Facebook group, East Coast Japanese Americans is a work that piggy-backs the social networking site’s popularity and accessibility, to create an online community of East Coast-based Japanese-Americans, their allies, and friends, bringing members of a fairly disparate, somewhat invisible, not-quite-politically-aware but very culturally-specific, ethnic group together.

EAST COAST JAPANESE AMERICANS is a self-generating work in the tradition of Mark Napier's Digital Landfill and net.flag, net.art that can be altered by the visitor-viewer and relies on visitor-viewer actions to enact the work. The group currently has nearly 100 members including housewives, diplomats, important indie filmmakers, and a white U.S. naval officer married to a Japanese woman.

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