Mouse Drawings #10 (2008)

Mouse Drawings #10 is part of an on-going series of ink on paper drawings. I taped a felt tip pen to my computer mouse and rested the mouse on a piece of cardstock. The physical action of moving the mouse on my desk and navigating the Internet is documented through this mark making process. The 'grid' of the Web is mimicked in the jagged angles and organized chaos of the ink lines. Occasionally, when my mouse came to rest, the pen would continue to bleed ink. These tiny pools sprinkle throughout the drawing revealing moments of inner reflection or idle time waiting for a video to load.

Full Description

Mouse Drawings #10 is part of an on-going series of ink on paper drawings. I taped a felt tip pen to my computer mouse and rested the mouse on a piece of cardstock. The physical action of moving the mouse on my desk and navigating the Internet is documented through this mark making process. The 'grid' of the Web is mimicked in the jagged angles and organized chaos of the ink lines. Occasionally, when my mouse came to rest, the pen would continue to bleed ink. These tiny pools sprinkle throughout the drawing revealing moments of inner reflection or idle time waiting for a video to load.

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