«STAR COLLECTOR» (platform scrolling).

On-line version of this work :

Description of the game: it is necessary to collect all stars, avoiding meeting the bad-mannered rats and red, falling frogs. Meetings with the last ones spoil Collector's mood and reduce his chances to collect all stars. To improve the mood "eat" the power capsules.

Control: arrows «left»/«right» - movements; arrow «up» - jump; key «Space» - magic words transforming bad-behaved rats into birds; key «Ctrl» - a magic umbrella protecting from red, falling frogs.

The Game is for 4-years old children and those a bit older!

Full Description

«STAR COLLECTOR» (platform scrolling).

On-line version of this work :

Description of the game: it is necessary to collect all stars, avoiding meeting the bad-mannered rats and red, falling frogs. Meetings with the last ones spoil Collector's mood and reduce his chances to collect all stars. To improve the mood "eat" the power capsules.

Control: arrows «left»/«right» - movements; arrow «up» - jump; key «Space» - magic words transforming bad-behaved rats into birds; key «Ctrl» - a magic umbrella protecting from red, falling frogs.

The Game is for 4-years old children and those a bit older!

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