Lord's Prayer, The (2007)

"Lord's Prayer, The" (2007) takes the original English version of "The Lord's Prayer" (in this case, a variation of the King James Version) and, using the same words, creates an entirely new poem. The work was created in Flash, and the viewer must navigate the page in order to see the revision of the original prayer into its new form.

In addition to the text, "Lord's Prayer, The" also uses both images and sound to help in the text's transformation--they evolve as the text evolves, and all the elements are synthesized at the end of the transformation, when the new text coalesces out of the old.

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"Lord's Prayer, The" (2007) takes the original English version of "The Lord's Prayer" (in this case, a variation of the King James Version) and, using the same words, creates an entirely new poem. The work was created in Flash, and the viewer must navigate the page in order to see the revision of the original prayer into its new form.

In addition to the text, "Lord's Prayer, The" also uses both images and sound to help in the text's transformation--they evolve as the text evolves, and all the elements are synthesized at the end of the transformation, when the new text coalesces out of the old.

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