Add to friend (2007)

Be ... What could be more simple. I am your friend! At what price? The price of the click! Is it enough to feed the mirage of universal communion? The radical rhyme, by the automatic fredonnée pictogram, which reduced the aggregate proceeds in the social network to its simplest device. The economy of a relational web prolific in the area, Nicolas Frespech economy made a counter. This time, I am your friend (e )...., is played against the foot: the valves were closed or had discharged the unspeakable words, in any case inaudible by the authorities, who take everything at face value letter. On the lookout relational configurations in perpetual invention, the collimator has set Nicolas Frespech on MySpace and Facebook, fonts profitable devices friendsitude a good thing for suspecting celebrated the reunion of both me and my intimate social. But the exercise is also the ultimate nose up to ...

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Be ... What could be more simple. I am your friend! At what price? The price of the click! Is it enough to feed the mirage of universal communion? The radical rhyme, by the automatic fredonnée pictogram, which reduced the aggregate proceeds in the social network to its simplest device. The economy of a relational web prolific in the area, Nicolas Frespech economy made a counter. This time, I am your friend (e )...., is played against the foot: the valves were closed or had discharged the unspeakable words, in any case inaudible by the authorities, who take everything at face value letter. On the lookout relational configurations in perpetual invention, the collimator has set Nicolas Frespech on MySpace and Facebook, fonts profitable devices friendsitude a good thing for suspecting celebrated the reunion of both me and my intimate social. But the exercise is also the ultimate nose up to the censors in front overthrown ... (automatic translation from

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