The Bath (2009)

I'm always cycling through different really seems to change with moods. I have always loved the feel of Oil Pastels, the rich and brilliant colors of them, the way they smudge across the paper under my fingers, the feast my eyes soak up of colors matching and pairing up inside my head as I press different colors into different shapes. This started out as a basic outline, dead center, face, neck and eventually just the woman in the center, on a blank white sheet. Squares different colors there I went...freestyle. Everything feels like an experiment to me. "What would this look like...if I _, and what would happen if I did this...." I never intend on anything quite happening, but when it does and it 'feels good' to me....I kind of relish in the moment...just a little. I called this one "THE BATH" because in my own little world, ...

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I'm always cycling through different really seems to change with moods. I have always loved the feel of Oil Pastels, the rich and brilliant colors of them, the way they smudge across the paper under my fingers, the feast my eyes soak up of colors matching and pairing up inside my head as I press different colors into different shapes. This started out as a basic outline, dead center, face, neck and eventually just the woman in the center, on a blank white sheet. Squares different colors there I went...freestyle. Everything feels like an experiment to me. "What would this look like...if I _, and what would happen if I did this...." I never intend on anything quite happening, but when it does and it 'feels good' to me....I kind of relish in the moment...just a little. I called this one "THE BATH" because in my own little world, I could see that all being done in Tiles, in a large bathroom. Bright and Colorful... not to mention, just the common state of our 'Mother Earth' our wold, which is so full of stresses and worries, and that feeling of 'cleansing' washing it away....indulging for a moment, back in ourselves.

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