Expression City (2005)

Expression City is a grainy short video art work narrative. Shot and completed in 2005, NYC. Expression City was created and accepted into the Conflux festival of 2006. The work identifies the passing now moment as an ongoing potential for creative and self discovery. Through a metaphoric context and narrative, the viewer becomes a fragment of the now in all its simplicity. Expression is movement itself, it may be physically, mentally, or emotionally. One becomes anonymous in a sea of thinking entities only for a brief moment, as the moment expands and stands still one will realize its connection to the whole.

Full Description

Expression City is a grainy short video art work narrative. Shot and completed in 2005, NYC. Expression City was created and accepted into the Conflux festival of 2006. The work identifies the passing now moment as an ongoing potential for creative and self discovery. Through a metaphoric context and narrative, the viewer becomes a fragment of the now in all its simplicity. Expression is movement itself, it may be physically, mentally, or emotionally. One becomes anonymous in a sea of thinking entities only for a brief moment, as the moment expands and stands still one will realize its connection to the whole.

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