Anoxia (2008)

This design was created as the promotional for a show at Ark, a gallery I organized in Boston.

I was approached by the artist Jessie Kaminsky about doing a time-based show called Anoxia (meaning a total decrease in oxygen) that incorporated balloons, flashing LED's and sound into large cardboard sculptures. The show lasted for just one night and by morning the balloons had deflated.

In creating this I was thinking of the artist as an example of Anoxia, the artists deflates as the work is made.

Full Description

This design was created as the promotional for a show at Ark, a gallery I organized in Boston.

I was approached by the artist Jessie Kaminsky about doing a time-based show called Anoxia (meaning a total decrease in oxygen) that incorporated balloons, flashing LED's and sound into large cardboard sculptures. The show lasted for just one night and by morning the balloons had deflated.

In creating this I was thinking of the artist as an example of Anoxia, the artists deflates as the work is made.

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