sitting online (2008)

Difference in Internet download rates creates a kind of resonance; this phenomenon reflects the space and speed of your computer and weather you are paying close enough attention to this page. For example, if you multi-task while this piece is running, it will create more delays. Resonance is now apparent from the first iteration, as the piece progresses, this same resonance oscillates until it transforms into a stutter and back to resonance again. The oscillations are unique to each computer and it's users. "I am sitting in a room" by Alvin Lucier.

Full Description

Difference in Internet download rates creates a kind of resonance; this phenomenon reflects the space and speed of your computer and weather you are paying close enough attention to this page. For example, if you multi-task while this piece is running, it will create more delays. Resonance is now apparent from the first iteration, as the piece progresses, this same resonance oscillates until it transforms into a stutter and back to resonance again. The oscillations are unique to each computer and it's users. "I am sitting in a room" by Alvin Lucier.

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