Beer Barons and Brewery Workers (2007)

"Beer Barons and Brewery Workers" was a collaborative project created by A. Bill Miller and Brandon Bauer for the Make Your Own History exhibition at the historic Blatz Building in Milwaukee, WI. It is composed of 15 animated gifs that act as a portrait across time of two important moments in the history of Milwaukee.

Each of the 15 Beer Barons/ Breweries that were in operation in Milwaukee at one time is represented by one portrait. This moment was the rise of Milwaukee industry and effected how the city became what it is. The texts come from Milwaukee newspaper coverage of the Brewery Union Workers strike that, according to some local historians, eventually lead to the end of beer brewing in Milwaukee. This in turn lead to the departure of industry and jobs from Milwaukee and effects how the city became what it is now.

Full Description

"Beer Barons and Brewery Workers" was a collaborative project created by A. Bill Miller and Brandon Bauer for the Make Your Own History exhibition at the historic Blatz Building in Milwaukee, WI. It is composed of 15 animated gifs that act as a portrait across time of two important moments in the history of Milwaukee.

Each of the 15 Beer Barons/ Breweries that were in operation in Milwaukee at one time is represented by one portrait. This moment was the rise of Milwaukee industry and effected how the city became what it is. The texts come from Milwaukee newspaper coverage of the Brewery Union Workers strike that, according to some local historians, eventually lead to the end of beer brewing in Milwaukee. This in turn lead to the departure of industry and jobs from Milwaukee and effects how the city became what it is now.

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