Lighter Than Air (2008)

Interactive video (video camera, mylar balloon, projector, custom software, computer, photograph by Murray Becker) A festive reflective balloon is placed between a video camera and a projection which combines the video with a photograph of the Hindenburg disaster. As the balloon moves, its image shifts beneath the static layer of the photograph. When the balloon moves from between the camera and the projection, the chain reaction of video feedback appears to animate the photograph. The layering of the photograph over the metallic surface of the balloon evokes the daguerreotype, a popular early type of photograph. Daguerreotypes were sometimes preserved in cases filled with inert gas.

Full Description

Interactive video (video camera, mylar balloon, projector, custom software, computer, photograph by Murray Becker) A festive reflective balloon is placed between a video camera and a projection which combines the video with a photograph of the Hindenburg disaster. As the balloon moves, its image shifts beneath the static layer of the photograph. When the balloon moves from between the camera and the projection, the chain reaction of video feedback appears to animate the photograph. The layering of the photograph over the metallic surface of the balloon evokes the daguerreotype, a popular early type of photograph. Daguerreotypes were sometimes preserved in cases filled with inert gas.

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