The Saltropomorphous (2007)

“The Saltropomorphous” (The jump of an amorphous landscape), is the imaginative idea of a sub real abstraction of a linear moment of form, colour and volume. Beginning from the concept of an isolated landscape inside of a real or imaginary boundary of “amorphous space” that because of being in the light, generate a shadow or “mirror image” with opposite properties. Two ways to allow each an intermediate step to be an equilibrium state, and produce in a sense the “jump” of the amorphous body into its own unchangeable notions of time and space(s).

Full Description

“The Saltropomorphous” (The jump of an amorphous landscape), is the imaginative idea of a sub real abstraction of a linear moment of form, colour and volume. Beginning from the concept of an isolated landscape inside of a real or imaginary boundary of “amorphous space” that because of being in the light, generate a shadow or “mirror image” with opposite properties. Two ways to allow each an intermediate step to be an equilibrium state, and produce in a sense the “jump” of the amorphous body into its own unchangeable notions of time and space(s).

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