When It's Lit Up (2008)

When It’s Lit up -Boiling Point- is an interactive installation with multi-projections and will challenge to have an “augmented” space and display. My researches on Augmented Reality (AR) and film theory on filmic frame (champ) led me to the significance of projection and the spatial relationship between human and technology. A projector is a major light source for moving images. It extends digital data of light beyond “box”, which can be the computer and the television. However, even the projected images cannot sprawl beyond the frame; the digital boundary between reality and virtual world.

When the plinth is lit up in the darkness where they lose own presence, it regains its dimension and newly gain its role as “display”; display of contents. Yet the contents are ambiguous and variable elements since viewers can affect or interrupt the life of virtual fish. Water and fish on the plinth share the same ...

Full Description

When It’s Lit up -Boiling Point- is an interactive installation with multi-projections and will challenge to have an “augmented” space and display. My researches on Augmented Reality (AR) and film theory on filmic frame (champ) led me to the significance of projection and the spatial relationship between human and technology. A projector is a major light source for moving images. It extends digital data of light beyond “box”, which can be the computer and the television. However, even the projected images cannot sprawl beyond the frame; the digital boundary between reality and virtual world.

When the plinth is lit up in the darkness where they lose own presence, it regains its dimension and newly gain its role as “display”; display of contents. Yet the contents are ambiguous and variable elements since viewers can affect or interrupt the life of virtual fish. Water and fish on the plinth share the same place, however they will become apart when viewers interact with them. An interaction has heat. Heat created from friction. In this case, heat can be highly one-sided because we will not feel physical heat but the water gets boiling at the virtual level. So, what will be the source of heat for us? Since the contents get it from the interruption caused by proximity of our warm, breathing, blood-running presences, we need to be “affected” by the contents as well.

Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a study of interaction between users and computers that occurs at the user interface. When it comes to displays, which are designed to support the human perception, this idea of HCI is always considered to make the relation as efficient and friendly as possible. Yet, what if the relation corrupts in terms of human-computer friendship? The boiling point becomes a blind spot.

My aim is to tackle how nonlinear but logical the viewer-artwork relation is. Displays are not only to see, but also to be “seen” from behind.

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