Code Words: Mutations (2008)

"Mutation, the genetic fuel for progress, is usually destructive." -Justin Meyer, Evolutionary Biologist

Our language is invisibly transformed into binary code, the ones and zeros of digital language, which when sent through a computer hopefully comes out the other side uncorrupted. However, mathematical information theory suggests that there's a certain probability that the code will mutate and arrive changed. We are, ironically, unable to know if this occurs, since we are unable to decode the underlying binary language that we now invisibly communicate with.

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"Mutation, the genetic fuel for progress, is usually destructive." -Justin Meyer, Evolutionary Biologist

Our language is invisibly transformed into binary code, the ones and zeros of digital language, which when sent through a computer hopefully comes out the other side uncorrupted. However, mathematical information theory suggests that there's a certain probability that the code will mutate and arrive changed. We are, ironically, unable to know if this occurs, since we are unable to decode the underlying binary language that we now invisibly communicate with.

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