an-uh-mit data (2008)

animate (an-uh-mit) data is a piece consisting of nine sets of data, each a finite number of ones and zeroes, arranged to function a certain way and yet irrationally misbehaving. These sets of ones and zeroes are interpreted by a multimedia framework (in this case quicktime) becoming palpable to the viewer as video files. As such, each is simply a single frame set to loop, which theoretically should present a static image. These nine loops, however, are a different case. When paused we see the frame, but when the frame is looped the image comes to life and the pixels begin to spill over the screen. View them on different browsers, play them on different computers, and open them with different programs.

Full Description

animate (an-uh-mit) data is a piece consisting of nine sets of data, each a finite number of ones and zeroes, arranged to function a certain way and yet irrationally misbehaving. These sets of ones and zeroes are interpreted by a multimedia framework (in this case quicktime) becoming palpable to the viewer as video files. As such, each is simply a single frame set to loop, which theoretically should present a static image. These nine loops, however, are a different case. When paused we see the frame, but when the frame is looped the image comes to life and the pixels begin to spill over the screen. View them on different browsers, play them on different computers, and open them with different programs.

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