Grand Central Terminal (2007)

This piece is comprised of over 100 images of Grand Central Terminal in New York City, taken by nearly 100 individual photographers under a Creative Commons license. These images are arranged sequentially to form a single, archetypal gesture that describes the space through a range of vantage points. The resulting video is an assemblage of different perspectives and moments in time. It elevates the meaning of gesture from a singular or disparate occurrence to a multiplicity, a link between individual agents. It raises questions of a universal perception of space across cultures, as well as the collective meaning of place, in particular a place of pivotal, even “global” significance.

Full Description

This piece is comprised of over 100 images of Grand Central Terminal in New York City, taken by nearly 100 individual photographers under a Creative Commons license. These images are arranged sequentially to form a single, archetypal gesture that describes the space through a range of vantage points. The resulting video is an assemblage of different perspectives and moments in time. It elevates the meaning of gesture from a singular or disparate occurrence to a multiplicity, a link between individual agents. It raises questions of a universal perception of space across cultures, as well as the collective meaning of place, in particular a place of pivotal, even “global” significance.

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