New Zoid Times (2008)

False news headline generator based on automatic collection, fragmentation and reconstitution of daily headlines. 20 false headlines every time you refresh, plus the right to vote on favorites and also add your own headlines into the mix for private enjoyment. The result is often funny, shocking, puzzling or indistinguishable from the real thing.

The New Zoid Times is a reaction and antidote to the information overload which characterizes our times and which makes us the best informed and stupidest people in the history of civilization. Hopefully, by producing more falsehood than all governments, corporations and media combined it will draw attention to the ease with which news is fabricated and encourage a more mature reliance on trustworthy sources of information such as one's direct perceptions and common sense.

This is an improved version of NewZoid which ran from 2001 to 2006. Among other things, New Zoid Times is believed ...

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False news headline generator based on automatic collection, fragmentation and reconstitution of daily headlines. 20 false headlines every time you refresh, plus the right to vote on favorites and also add your own headlines into the mix for private enjoyment. The result is often funny, shocking, puzzling or indistinguishable from the real thing.

The New Zoid Times is a reaction and antidote to the information overload which characterizes our times and which makes us the best informed and stupidest people in the history of civilization. Hopefully, by producing more falsehood than all governments, corporations and media combined it will draw attention to the ease with which news is fabricated and encourage a more mature reliance on trustworthy sources of information such as one's direct perceptions and common sense.

This is an improved version of NewZoid which ran from 2001 to 2006. Among other things, New Zoid Times is believed to be the most sophisticated manipulator of constantly changing textual input. Unlike computer-generated programs which run on a fixed, closed data base, the New Zoid Times is connected to the daily news and transforms unpredictable new material. Considering the vastness of its scope, its level of coherence is unprecedented.

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